Thuật Ngữ Cơ Bản Trong Ngành Van:

A‐C: Asbestos‐Cement

ANSI: American National Standards Institute

API: American Petroleum Institute

ARV: Air Release Valve

ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM: American Society for Testingand Materials

AV: Air Valve

AVV: Air/Vacuum Valve

AWWA: American Water Works Association

AWWARF: American Water Works Association Research Foundation

BAT: Best Available Technology

BFA: Back FlowActuator

BHN: Brinell Hardness Number

BSI: British Standards Institution

CAV: Combination Air Valve

CCW: Counter clockwise

CFM: Cubic Feet per Minute

CFS: Cubic Feet per Second

CI: Cast Iron

CS: Carbon Steel or Cast Steel

CSA: Canadian Standards Association

CSO: Combined Sewer Overflow

CW: Clockwise

CWA: Clean Water Act

CWP: Cold Working Pressure

DI: Ductile Iron

DIN: Deutsche lndustrie Norme

DN: Nominal Diameter

FBE: Fusion Bonded Epoxy

FF: Flat Face

FLG: Flange

FM: Factory Mutual Association

FPS: Feet Per Second

GPM: Gallons Per Minute

HRB: Rockwell B Hardness

HRC: Rockwell C Hardness

HW: Handwheel

IBBM: Iron Body, Bronze Mounted

ID: Inside Diameter

IPS: Iron Pipe Size

ISO: International Standards Organization

JIS: Japan Industrial Standard

MCL: Maximum Contaminant Levels

MFD: Mechanical Flow Diagram

MGD: Million Gallons per Day

MIL: Designation for United States Military Standards


MIL: 1/1000th of an inch

MJ: Mechanical Joint

MOV: Motor Operated Valve

MRO: Maintenance and Repair Order

MSS: Manufacturers Standardization Society

NACE: National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NDE: Non‐Destructive Examination

NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NFPA: National Fire Prevention Association

NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

NPS: Nominal Pipe Size

NPT: National Pipe Thread Taper

NST: National Straight Thread

OD: Outside Diameter

OS&Y: Outside Screw and Yoke

PN: Nominal Pressure

POT: Point of Treatment

PSI: Pounds per Square Inch

PSIA: Pounds per Square Inch Absolute

PSIG: Pounds per Square Inch Gage

PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride

RF: Raised Face

RJ or RTJ: Ring Joint or Ring‐Type Joint

RMS: Root Mean Square Roughness Height

RPM: Revolutions Per Minute

SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SCV: Silent Check Valve

SCFM: Standard Cubic Feet per Minute

SDO: Standard Development Organization

SDWA: Safe Drinking Water

SPDT: Single Pole Double Throw

SS: Stainless Steel

SSPC: Steel Structures Painting Council

SSU: Seconds Saybolt Universal

STP: Sewage Treatment Plant

SWP: Steam Working Pressure

TDCV: Tilted Disc®Check Valve

TIR: Total Indicator Reading

UL: Underwriters Laboratories

UV: Ultra violet

WEF: Water Environment Federation (formerly WPCF)

WOG: Water‐Oil‐Gas

WP: Working Pressure ‐ Synonym for operating pressure

WPCF: Water Pollution Control Federation (named changed to WEF)

WTP: Water Treatment Plant

WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant